Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Lunch, entertainment, vendors, photographer and more at Legion Restaurant 8001 SE Division Street in Portland.
Reservations required by January 10.
Click here for details and registration form.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The FCC Metro Play Group
Who: FCC Members, Friends, and Parents.
Appropriate for ages 3 ish with help to 10 ish
When: Saturday, December 13, 2008
Time: 10:00 -Noon
Where:Kris, Matt & Libby Carlson
Cost: None, materials will be provided by
The FCC Metro Play group.
Materials are limited,
Please RSVP mattandkriscarlson@gmail.com
Friday, November 21, 2008
This is an adult and older child event. Children under 5 years old will not be admitted to the auditorium.
Divine Performing Arts seeks to breathe new life into traditional Chinese culture and provide audiences with an experience of sublime beauty. Itʼs traditional Chinese culture as it was meant to be - a brilliant blend of beauty, energy, and grace. Dozens of dancers in dazzling costumes move in seamless, flowing patterns. Thunderous drums shake the stage, while spectacular backdrops take you to another world.
Click here for more information
Two price options are available:
- $62.75 will provide seats on the main floor in sections A & E (sides) or towards the rear of the center section.
- $48.00 will provide seats on the main floor in sections A & E or rows toward the rear of the center section, a little further back than the more expensive tickets.
Prices include all fees. Tickets are limited and our block of seats is being held until the first week of December. Please mail your check and ticket request so that it is received before Wednesday, 12/3/08.
Questions? Call Sharyn at 503-351-1478.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
FCC Metro Play Group
Festive Thanksgiving placemat.
Just in time for the Thanksgiving centerpiece!
Please RSVP
Who: FCC Members, Friends, and Parents.
Appropriate for ages 3ish with help to 10ish
When: Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time: 9:45 -11:30
Where: Kris, Matt & Libby Carlson
1637 SE Elliott,
Portland, OR 97214
What: Should I bring??? If you have leaves, sticks, ribbon or autumnal stickers lying around the house that you would like to add (share) to the paper craft. . .well, that would be just great. Otherwise, materials will be provided.
Cost: None, hosted by The FCC Metro Play group.
Materials are limited,
Please RSVP
Questions: Kris 503-477-5560
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Families with Children from China Oregon and SW Washington is a 501(c3) completely volunteer run, and almost exclusively member funded, organization. 2008 has been a tough year for all of us financially, including FCC. FCC experienced significant and unexpected expenses in Fiscal Year 2007 and the beginning of 2008. As a result, the Board has undergone a considerable amount of effort to build out the proper infrastructure and position the FCC for long-term viability since the beginning of the new fiscal year.
How Can You Help? Now we need your support to bring FCC into a self-sustaining mode of operation.
On the financial front:
- Please renew your membership as early as possible.
- Please contribute anything additional, if able to do so during the renewal process or by using the "Donate Now" button on the web site.
- Please leverage the generosity of your employers if they offer a contribution matching program.
- Please make use of the iGive.com web site to contribute at no cost to you while doing what you would already be doing - Go Shopping! Register for iGive. www.igive.com/fccoregon
- Oh Yeah - Ask your employer to be a corporate sponsor of this fantastic community outreach and education organization to which you belong.
If you have additional fund raising ideas, we would love to hear about them.
On the volunteer front : FCC is an all volunteer organization. We can always benefit from your assistance! Fund raising, event planning and execution, speaking at Waiting Families events, serving on the Board of Directors, and a number of other opportunities to help out are always available. Chinese New Year is coming and we could really appreciate help with that and other planned events. Please contact one of the Board members listed on the contact page of the website.
And THANK YOU for supporting FCC!
Fei Yang will be teaching us this very traditional Chinese game. It is similar to theAmerican game dominoes.
What: Waiting Families Mah Jong
When: Sunday, December 7, 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Where:Doernbecher Children's Hospital, Vey Conference Center, 11 floor(signs will be posted)
Where: Cafe Sip-n-Play http://www.cafesipnplay.com/
When: Friday, November 21, 9:00 a.m. to 10:30
Please use the link above to see location, cost, and menu options for your little one (food purchase is optional!). There is a gluten free menu for those who need to avoid this common allergen. Please contact Amy C for more information at asingermother@yahoo.com
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
That’s right, do your holiday shopping online –– a new CD, the latest bestseller, even a computer and don't forget everyday essentials like pet food or vitamins. But first join www.iGive.com/fccoregon. Every time you shop at one of the more than 680 name-brand stores in the iGive.com Mall (like Amazon.com, iTunes.com, BestBuy.com, Expedia.com, Shutterfly, J.C. Penney, Eddie Bauer, Land's End) we’ll receive a donation of up to 26% of each purchase you make, at no cost to you.
If you'll be shopping online anyway, this is an easy, free way for you to support our programs. So visit www.iGive.com/fccoregon and join. Tell your friends and family. Membership is free and privacy is guaranteed.
For a limited time, if you make your first purchase within 45 days of joining, we'll receive a $5 bonus plus the percentage from your purchase.
Click here for a flyer.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
If you are ready to make a reservation, please email to Maisie at 2009POPChinaCulturalTrip@gmail.com. Please also feel free to share your comments or suggestions. If you'd like to be updated on the 2009 China Cultural Trip, please also email to the same email address above. For more information about POP's Foundation, please visit www.popsfoundation.org.
Learn how children's understanding of adoption, race, and ethnicity unfolds developmentally at different ages and stages, and what adoptive parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, educators, social workers and caretakers can and should do to help them through developing specialized skills that address the topics of loss and grief, racial differences, ethnic backgrounds, and culture-of-origin differences. Children Playshops give children five years and older, an opportunity to explore their own ideas about adoption and to interact with their peers. Jane uses multi-sensory games with props and puppets to let the children talk, learn about, and discuss their feelings about being adopted. She helps children understand that the questions and thoughts they have about adoption are normal and okay to talk about with their adopted peers and lets them acquire skills they can transfer to settings with non-adopted peers.
Space for the Children’s Playshops is limited. Pre-registration is required. Scholarships are available. Contact Adoption Connections of Oregon at (541) 345-4209 or e-mail elisecrum@comcast.net to sign up now to reserve your space, request a scholarship, or to register as an Exhibitor/Vendor. For more information, visit www.adoptionconnectionsoforegon.org.
Click here for a flyer about the event or FAQ about the playgroups.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
January 20th Divine Performing Arts - Chinese New Year Spectacular
This is an adult and older child event. Children under 5 years old will not be admitted to the auditorium.
Divine Performing Arts seeks to breathe new life into traditional Chinese culture and provide audiences with an experience of sublime beauty. Itʼs traditional Chinese culture as it was meant to be- a brilliant blend of beauty, energy, and grace. Dozens of dancers in dazzling costumes move in seamless, flowing patterns. Thunderous drums shake the stage, while spectacular backdrops take you to another world.
Click here for more information
Two price options are available:
$62.75 will provide seats on the main floor in sections A & E (sides) or towards the rear of the center section.
$48.00 will provide seats on the main floor in sections A & E or rows toward the rear of the center section, a little further back than the more expensive tickets.
Tickets are limited and our block of seats is being held until 11/17/08. Prices include all fees.
If you wish to reserve tickets please send a check made out to Sharyn Marcuson to 10211 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 110A, Portland, OR 97219 with your name, phone number and the number of tickets you are buying. Seats are not all near each other so please let Sharyn know if you are looking to sit with another family.
Questions? Call Sharyn at 503-452-0949.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Children's Chinese Story Times
Midland Library, 805 SE 122nd Ave, Portland
Oct. 4, 11, 18, & 25, 1:15-2 p.m.
Mandarin/English Story Time
Woodstock Library, 6008 SE 49th Ave, Portland
Oct. 5 & 19, 1-1:30 p.m.
source: Asian Reporter Sept. 30, 2008
FREE Admission Day at Portland Classical Chinese Garden
On Sunday, October 5 visit the Garden for free thanks to the City of Portland’s Office of International Affairs.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
2-5 pm at the Friendship Masonic Lodge.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Saturday October 11th from 2:00 to 5:00 pm
At the Friendship Masonic Lodge
5626 NE Alameda St, Portland 97213
Please wear your costume for this fun filled family event (good for boys and girls 1 to 12). We will have FOOD, CRAFTS, MUSIC, CANDY, and PRIZES for everyone! This year's event will take place in the GRAND BALLROOM of the lodge.
This event is free to all FCC members! OPTIONAL: Bring a bag of candy or other treat to share!
RSVP to : hollyleaf75@hotmail.com
Saturday, September 27, 2008
In order for this project to be a success, we need your help! Each book costs $26.00 and is available from OCDF by phone and online www.ocdf.org/publications. Call 309-829-8202 or 1-866-460-OCDF toll free or email lynn@ocdf.org
Right now we have Anhui Province and Shanghai Municipality done, the first two books. Next to the printer will be Jiangsu and Fujian Provinces. We have printed 1,000 copies of each book. We need to sell more of the 1,000 copies we have of the Anhui and Shanghai books in order to continue the project and have books on all the provinces. It's not a quick process! We need your help in making sure that it can be successful and continue! Lynn is keeping a list of those families who want future books so that she can let you know as soon as your province is ready.
China Highlights (6/19-7/2, 2009 & 7/17-7/30, 2009) will include Beijing, Xi'an (Terra Cotta Warriors), Guilin, Yangshuo (Li River Cruise), Guangzhou, plus orphanage visit. We will visit Beijing Olympic Venues, including the Bird's nest, Beijing National Stadium and the Water Cube. We will spend some time with local families, visit China's most famous peasant's artist village. Our kids will learn some traditional games in the evenings with Chinese children. For more detail: http://mingschina.com/Homeland2009.htm
For any families who wish to travel to China in the next year or so and wish to visit your child's orphanage, you may consider sending some pictures to your child's orphanage to get started. The staffs there will love to receive any info on your child. We suggest that you scan and e-mail a copy of your child's referral picture and a couple of current ones. We will be happy to send them on your behalf and keep you connected with your child's orphanage. Contact info@mingschina.com .
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 27 at the Portland (Hollywood District) office
9:30 to Noon - Quarterly Workshop for girls ages 7-12
12:20 to 3:00 pm - Quarterly Workshop for girls ages 13-17
These Saturday morning workshops provide experiential activities for girls to explore and normalize their adoption experiences.
Contact Gail Hardman-Woung, LCSW at 503-314-8591.
Friday, October 3 at the Portland office
Attachment… Bumps in the Road Workshop - 7 to 9 pm
This workshop is for parents who recently adopted 4 to 8 year olds and for parents of grade school age children who are struggling with anger and/or oppositional concerns.
Contact Mary Miyakawa, LCSW at 503-680-8064.
We’ll be showing the movie titled “Visible Differences…Transracial Parenting Through Adoption”. We’ll have a discussion following the film talking about the issues related to Asian adoptees. The film was produced by PACT, the group that wrote the book Transracial Adoption.
Please help us spread the word and invite family and friends that would like to come. All are welcome.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Volunteers needed at the Mid-Autumn Picnic
If you are interested in lending a hand you can email Holly Odil at: hollyleaf75@hotmail.com or talk to a board member at the event.
Monday, September 8, 2008
2nd Annual FCC Halloween Party
2nd Annual FCC Halloween Party
Saturday, October 11th (2-5 pm)
Stay posted for more details.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Chinese Friendship Association of Portland Summer Picnic Invite
Organized by: Chinese Friendship Association of Portland
Saturday August 23 2008
Time: 1:00 pm to whenever
Washington Park, Site C
Pot Luck Picnic:
Bring your favarite dishes to share
Please bring adequate to feed your own family!
CFAP will provide soft drinks and snacks.
Enjoy a fun afternoon with your old friends and new friends.
Wushu Performance from US Wushu Center, led by World Champion Wushu Master
Children’s performance
Taiji Demonstration
Various ball games (poker, chess, etc.)
Water balloon
Children’s games
Announcing FCC's annual Mid-Autumn Picnic
at Cook Park in Tigard Oregon
11:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Fcc will be serving up Hot Dogs and Veggie Dogs, dog fixins, and sweet lemonade!
Families with last names A - J bring salads
Families with J - Q bring sides (beans, chips and dip, etc.)
Families with R - Z bring desserts
Come celebrate this family centered holiday with us! We will host a raffel, crafts, food and family fun, not to mentionthe beautiful park and great playground!
Cost: Suggested donation of $5-$10 per family.
FCC really needs to accept donations this year. Come and support the group that supports Families with Children from China locally!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Peking Acrobats
Peking Acrobats
December 5th & 6th
Tickets $10 - $20
On Sale September 5th
All ages show
source: Oregonian "A&E" August 08, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Our Chinese Daughters Foundation Cultural Event in your area
These events will be a great opportunity to connect with other adoptive families in a fun vacation atmosphere. Come enjoy the indoor waterparks, and take advantage of some amazing OCDF seminars at the same time!
For more information, please see: http://www.ocdf.org/gwl.htm
Waiting Family Group Takes August Vacation
Please mark your calendars for our next meeting, Sept. 7th from 3:00-5:00. Our topic will be “Starting your Child’s Lifebooks. What You can Start During the Wait”. Check the waiting family area of the FCC website for more details on meeting location and future meeting dates.
Westside Mandarin Immersion Efforts Continue
We would like to get as many parents interested in the creation of a second Mandarin Immersion school to sign the petition found on the effort’s website http://chinese.weareahappyfamily.com./ The more names we can get signed up the more PPS will listen to us. So if you haven’t done so already, and you would like to see another Mandarin 1/2 day Immersion program established, please sign your name to the website.
You’ll also be adding your e-mail to the list so you can receive updates on the efforts and stay in the loop.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Save The Date
Saturday, September 20th (11:00 am - 3:00 pm)
Cook's Park, 17005 SW 92nd Avenue, Tigard Oregon
More details will be forthcoming.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Open House: Mandarin Chinese Immersion Program for Preschoolers:
The Bodhi Language Center will be holding Open House for families interested in immersing their children in Mandarin Chinese starting in the fall. The Open House is Saturday, August 2 and 16, from 10:30 - 11:30 am.
The Bodhi Tree Language Center is a full-service Asian languages center offering classes and services for children, adults, and business in various Asian languages, including Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Thai, Lao, and Tibetan. In the fall we'll be offering after-school classes for children as well as class for adults in Japanese.
Location: 5403 SE Center St. Portland, OR 97206
Website: http://www.bodhitreelanguagecenter.org/
Phone: 503-788-0336
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
We’re inviting all of you to our upcoming Waiting Family Picnic at Sellwood park. This casual and fun event is set for Sunday, July 13th (instead of our regular scheduled monthly meeting).
Here are the details: this is a great opportunity for both our current waiting families, past waiting families and future waiting families to get together and hang out - we would love to see you again! Those of you who are home already can show off your kids and give our folks who are waiting ever so patiently a boost in this l-o-n-g wait! ( remember when 12 months to referral seemed forever?? and how much you loved seeing kids who were home??)
Location: Sellwood Park , picnic area "c"
Date: unday July 13, 2008
Time: 11:30 am to 3 pm
****bring your own picnic lunch****
FCC will provide drinks and dessert
Sellwood Park has a swimming pool, great playground and lots of big trees. We are trying to get a sense of how many people are planning to come, so please rsvp to kelly at k.sedory@comcast.net.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Bring a lunch or purchase one there. You can stay as long or as little as you like. If you are unable to make it by 10:30, send me an e-mail at carlsonkm@comcast.net and I will give you my cell phone number so you can call me when you arrive and I can tell you where to meet up with us inside the zoo! Hope to see you there!
We are going to the Woodstock Park on Monday June 30th. Meet us at the swings at 11:00 for play and picnic in the park! Bring a sack lunch and your energy to play, play, play!!!! Includes disabled access play area, disabled access restroom, dog off-leash area, horseshoe pit, paths – paved, picnic site – reservable, picnic tables, playground, soccer field, softball field, statue or public art, http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=868&action=ViewPark
Chinese Medicine, an ancient art that stems from Chinese philosophy and culture, is the medicine that has its unique approach for health care and treatment of diseases, especially attaching great importance to the relationship between human being and nature. Dr. Guohui Liu, a Chinese medicine practitioner for over 30 years, and an adjunct faculty of both Oregon College of Oriental Medicine and National College of Natural Medicine, will give a brief discussion of relationship among Chinese Medicine, ancient Chinese culture and philosophy and explore its advantage and disadvantage for modern diseases based on his research and clinical practice. He will also answer questions you might have regarding Chinese medicine and other health related concerns.
WHEN: 6/29/08, 1:30pm to 4pm
WHERE: City Library – Meeting Room B (12375 SW 5th Street,Beaverton, OR).
The Beaverton Library is located at the intersection ofHall Blvd. and 5th Street.
This seminar is free for CFAP members. We ask for $8 donation (cash or check only) for non members to attend the seminar.
July 12-Aug 30, 2008 (Saturdays), 3:30-5:30 pm
This class -- which meets once a week for 8 weeks -- concentrates on correct pronunciation, and speaking and listening of Cantonese. Some characters may be introduced, but the focus of the class is on conversation. Class is geared to children, but adults are also welcome. The class provides an important foundation for further studies in the language. The teacher is a native speaker of Cantonese, with many years teaching experience, and excellent English. Classes are kept small. We fill seats on a first-register basis.
Place: Bodhi Tree Language Center. 5403 SE Center Street, Portland, OR 97206.
For more information, call (503) 788-0336 or see our Website at http://www.BodhiTreeLanguageCenter.org
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Please attend our annual end of the fiscal year meeting (the board recently changed the time of this meeting to match our fiscal year calendar) to meet our new board members, thank our exiting board, and hear all about the up and coming activities that FCC has planned for the 2009 fiscal year!
The event will be held in the upstairs event room at the Lucky Lab Brew Pub in Multnomah Village (7675SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR)
Saturday, June 21st from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m.
The whole family is invited!
This event is for all FCC members and is *FREE!!!!! (*beer and wine available for purchase* pizza, salad, and soda is FREE on FCC!)
Hope to see you there! PLEASE RSVP to FCC.Oregon.President@gmail.com
Please contact me, Stephanie Liebelt at dsk@onlinemac.com if you may be interested or have thoughts/questions.
For more information, contact:
Hilltop Christian School
(503) 245-3183
5700 Sw Dosch Rd
Portland, OR 97239
Monday, May 26, 2008
May 31, 2008
3 to 7 pm
Portland State University
Smith Center Multi-Culture Center Room 228
This event is sponsored by Chinese Friendship Association of Portland. All proceeds from the auction will benefit the earthquake relief efforts through American Red Cross. Please support this effort and contribute your compassion to the victims of this disaster at this very special fundraiser event.
The lowest price to start bid is $20.
Contact the Chinese Friendship Association of Portland for more information.
FCC families have been invited by the Asian Teen Mentor Group to the Asian Youth and Family Fun Night:
Friday, May 30th
5:30 to 7:30 pm
Parkrose School
12003 NE Shaver
Portland, OR
This event is FREE of charge. There will be some entertainment, plus appetizers and drinks. Click here for flyer.
Hope to see you there!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
June 20 - 22, 2008
Turner, OR at the Aldersgate Conference Center
This event is for children going into 1st grade or 6 and older by Sept 1st, adopted from China, and their families. This year's theme is "Dragons of China" and should be a lot of fun! Contact Debra Hall at china_folks@hotmail.com.
Click here for a registration form and brochure.
Your FCC board is grateful for the outpouring of concern expressed by our members.
1. Love Without Boundaries Earthquake Relief http://www.lovewithoutboundaries.com/earthquake.cfm
2. Our Chinese Daughters Foundation (OCDF) Earthquake Relief Fund http://www.ocdf.org/
3. Half The Sky Children's Earthquake Fund http://give.halfthesky.org/prostores/servlet/Categories?category=Children%27s+Earthquake+Fund
4. Save the Children - Children's Emergency Fund http://www.savethechildren.org/newsroom/2008/china-earthquake-II.html
5. FCC-New York Earthquake Orphanage Relief Fund through the Amity Foundation. Donate online: http://www.fccny.org. Please indicate"Earthquake Relief" as the Donation Project. Donate by mail: FCC Orphanage Assistance, PO Box 237065 Ansonia Station, New York, NY 10023. Please indicate "Earthquake Relief" as the donation project.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Date: May 21st, 2008, Wednesday
Time: 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Place: Fishers Basin Park
Directions: East side of SE 192nd Ave between Westridge Blvd and Mill Plain. Next to Shahala Middle School.
To mourn the many lost lives in Sichuan earthquake, a candlelight vigil will be held at Fishers Basin Park in Vancouver WA this Wednesday evening, May 20th, 2008 at 7:30 pm. A voluntary donation will follow afterwards. The sealed donation box will be sent to a nearby bank by 3 members of the community the next day and opened by the bank cashier. The fund will be wired directly to the International Red Cross in China (http://www.redcross.org.cn/).
This event is organized by Vancouver Chinese Association. For questions and directions, please call Liying Zheng, secretary of Vancouver Chinese Association at 360 910-4714. To show your passion and love to the people who lost their lives and to the survivors who are still suffering from the after shock and poor living condition, join us with your own candle, flowers or posters if you could. There will be some candles available on site.
Sunday, May 25 from 3-5pm at Mt Tabor Park children's play structure area.
We will invite our teen mentor group to join us this time! Bring a picnic, blanket and your favorite park toy. Please rsvp to Jodi Wilf jodiwilf@yahoo.com
Thursday, May 1, 2008
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm (including Q&A)

Click here for day, time, and cost details.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Saturday, April 26
10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
at PUMP IT UP! in Beaverton on Allen Blvd.
This activity is free and brought to you by FCC. Please send RSVPs and questions to Holly at: hollyleaf75@hotmail.com. See you there!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
AM 9-12noon / PM 2-5pm/ FD 8:30-5:30pm
(Extra care $5 per hr.)
5 Camp Sessions bi-weekly & 3 Age groups (3 to 10 years old)
Fees: $200 for 10 Half Days and $420 for 10 Full Days
(5% discount when sign up for 2 or more sessions)
For more info visit http://www.ashcpdx.org/ or contact 503-775-3767 Edith Lee
Big classrooms, Outdoor Playground & Gym
Location: 5239 SE Woodstock Blvd (Our Lady of Sorrows Parish)
Experienced Chinese Native Speaking teachers will help your children explore the culture and language through activities. We offer Mini Olympics, Chinese Cooking, Chinese Manners, Arts & Crafts, Poem Recital, Legends & Songs, Nature Exploration, Calligraphy & Writing. Try BBQ, Picnic, Bubbles, and Sidewalk Chalk at our school courtyard and let’s have fun together.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
There we will be painting flower pots and planting a flower to take home in honor of our childrens' birthmothers.
This is a free event and snacks will be provided. In the adoption community, the Saturday before Mother's Day is set aside to remember the birthmothers of our children.
Please join us! RSVP to Holly at hollyleaf75@hotmail.com
Monday, April 7, 2008
A FREE tour of the Gardens for FCC members and their guests!
Come learn about what makes the Garden special – just in time for SPRING. Did you know that 500 tons of Tai Hu rocks were shipped from China?
Find out how to grow and nurture these plants in your own garden. Replicate the serene setting. Learn about the “5 Elements” making this a one-of-a-kind place.
Space is limited! Please RSVP to Jill Chen at jtchen55@yahoo.com or 503-241-2695
We meet at the Garden located between NW 2nd and 3rd and NW Flanders and Glisan in Old Town/Chinatown
For more information on the Garden, visit http://www.portlandchinesegarden.org/
Friday, April 4, 2008
So, our new location is at OHSU in the 8th floor auditorium (room #8B60). We suggest that you still head to the main lobby at Doernbecher like you usually do and then head up to the 9th floor. Take the sky bridge over to OHSU and then head down to the 8th floor. Kelly will get there early to have signs posted leading you there.
We welcome anyone to this Sunday’s meeting. We have Carol Kemble, one of the Directors of Half the Sky, coming to talk to us about the great organization and the special efforts they take to ensure that so many of our little ones get the best care while in China. Please come show your support of Half the Sky as this meeting is open to FCC and non FCC members.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Monday, March 24
3-5 pm
Mt Scott Roller Skating Rink
5530 SE 72
503 823 3183
Free !
Pizza afterwards!
Please come! The teens were so good to put this together for us! Please rsvp to Jodi Wilf so we can tell the teens how many are coming. jodiwilf@yahoo.com 503-236-8684.
Tuesday March 25th, 7pm
All of the FCC community is invited to come hear her.
The meeting is 3-5 pm at
Doernbecher Children's Hospital
11th Floor Conference Room
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97201-3098
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Brought to you by your FCC Portland Metro Play Group
Come learn the art of the traditional Easter egg hunt in a safe environment. Depending on the number of kids, we may split into a couple of groups based on age and ability. Click here for a flyer with all of the info.
Please plan to stay and play for a little while.
Who: All Members of FCC (free)
Non- FCC members ($2 donation per child)
Children must have an adult with them to help.
What: to bring??? Your own Easter basket & 12 Filled plastic eggs to share (per child). Please do not bring plastic eggs you want back.
When: Saturday, March 15, 2008 – 10:00 (Sharp) to 12 Noonish
Where: The Swings at Grant Park The Park is located on NE 33rd Ave & US Grant Place in Portland. OR
In Case of rain: You are in Oregon! If you don't learn to do it inthe rain, you will never do anything! Wear a hat! Questions? Contact Kris Carlson 503-513-9047.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
2:00 pm
Three Creeks Library (Salmon Creek area)
800-C NE Tenney Rd
Amy Lee of the Fort Vancouver Regional Libray will present customs and folktales of the Chinese New Year. There will be crafts, refreshments and even a parade. Special performance from the Salmon Creek Chinese School.
Saturday February 23
1:00 pm
Free admission
Luepke Senior Center (behind Marshall Community Center)
1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver
- Enjoy a Chinese puppet show "Images of China" performed by the Dragon Art Studio.
- The Lion Dance will be performed by Lee's Association Lion Dance Team from Portland Oregon.
- Special performance from the Salmon Creek Chinese School.
Planned activities for spring:
March 8 - Skate Day
1:30-4:00 pm
Valley Ice Rink in Beaverton
FCC to provide the snacks
8$ per skater
We will have a room for parents and tired skaters. Planned by Kathy Collins, rsvp to Jodi at 503 236 8684 or jodiwilf@yahoo.com
March 28 - Game/Pizza night
at the Wilf home
Contact Jodi for address and to rsvp. Our Asian Teen Mentor group will be joining us.
May (location and date/time tba) - Picnic in the Park playdate
Asian Teen Mentor group will be joining us. Contact Jodi for more info.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
This Sunday, February 10, 2008
3:30pm - 7:30pm
Oregon Convention Center
(Portland Ballroom)
If you have already registered for the event, you will receive your table confirmation card in the mail this week.
CNY Registration has been extended for mail until Wednesday, February 6, 2008. Those who register now will receive their table assignment at the registration table at the event.
After February 6th, you may still attend the FCC Chinese New Year Festival by registering and paying at the door at the Convention Center on Sunday, February 10, 2008.
See you there!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
FCC Chinese New Year Festival Important Reminder!!!!
Don’t forget to send in your FCC Chinese New Year reservations this week. We have some half filled reserved tables that are waiting for other families in their group to send in registration. We know the snow has made this past week a little crazy so we have good news! All late fees for registration will be waived and event registration will be extended until Wednesday, February 6!!!!!!
If you need to register for the event, you can download this registration form.
If you have sent in your reservation, you will receive your table confirmation card the week of February 4th. We look forward to seeing you!
- Come and join the fun at the FCC Chinese New Year Festival…Sunday, February 10, 2008 from 3:30 to 7:30 pm. This year, the event will be held in the Portland Ballroom located on the south side of the Oregon Convention Center.
- The entertainment begins (at 4:30) with the FCC Kids Dragon. All children are invited to participate! Enjoy the performance by our own FCC Heart to Heart Dance Troupe as well as other wonderful children and adult performers. You will not want to miss the spectacular traditional Lion Dance performed by the Lee’s Association Dance Team. www.leeondong.org
- Enjoy a Chinese Buffet dinner (from 4:30pm – 6:30pm) with your family and friends.
- Kids will enjoy coloring and making projects in the Craft area.
- Shop for gifts and treasures or look for great resource information for your family at the Marketplace (opens at 3:30pm).
- Be sure to stop by the photographer for family photos.
- At registration, you can pick up a certificate for a free 3 - week trial to Gymboree!!!
- Check out the FCC Raffle and the Chengde Wheel of Fortune for a chance to win prizes!
Volunteers are still needed in a few shifts for:
- Entertainment
- Book Sales
- Check in/Registration Crafts
- Raffle
Would your child 9 or older like to help at the CNY event? Send an email to: FCC.CNY.CHAIR@gmail.com to let us know of your interest.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
We hope that you will be celebrating with us at the FCC Chinese New Year Festival on Sunday, February 10, 2008 from 3:30 to 7:30 pm. This year, the event will be held in the Portland Ballroom located on the south side of the Oregon Convention Center. For more information, go to the Chinese New Year page.
If you need to register for the event, you can download this registration form.
Volunteers are needed!!!!
We need help Sunday, February 10 before, during and briefly after the event. Most shifts generally run about 1/2 hour so as not to take away too much time from your family. Children can help at some of the tasks, so don't hesitate to ask if your child can stay with you. Contact us at FCC.CNY.CHAIR@gmail.com.
Vendor check in - 2 – 3:30pm
Entertainment – help guide groups on and off the stage - 4:15 to 7:15pm
Book Sales – from 3:30 – 7:00pm
Check in/Registration- between 3:00 – 5:30pm
Crafts – 3:30 – 7:30pm
Raffle – need help with ticket sales and drawing. – 3:30 to 6:00pm
Event volunteer coordinator
Before event volunteers – ask for details!
Would your child 9 or older like to help at the CNY event? Send an email to: FCC.CNY.CHAIR@gmail.com to let us know of your interest.
Important Deadlines:
RSVP by Monday, January 28, 2008 to avoid late fees. Reservations will not be accepted after Monday, February 4, 2008. Reservation Confirmation Cards will be mailed out the week of February 4th.
Donations are also needed such as craft supplies, candy coins, gifts for child volunteers, decorations, raffle items, photocopying, and program paper. If this is an area in which you can help, contact us at FCC.CNY.CHAIR@gmail.com.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Saturday Mornings
January 12, 9:00-10:30
This group will be hosted by Mary Miyakawa, LCSW
The second Saturday of each month
Up-Coming Winter 2008 Groups & Workshops:
Mary Miyakawa, LCSW
Portland Office (Hollywood District)
Call Mary directly at 503-680-8064
Pre-Adoption Course: Four Thursday evenings beginning February 21st 6:30 to 9:00 pm
Workshop: Connecting With Your Child. If you are struggling in a new adoption, this is the workshop for you. Learn how to help your child overcome early trauma and connect with you in a loving relationship. Saturday Feb 23rd 9:30-12:00.
Pre-Adoption Course: Four Wednesday evenings beginning March 5th 6:30 to 9:00 pm
Gail Hardman-Woung, LCSW
Portland Office (Hollywood District)
Call Gail directly at: 503-314-8591
Quarterly Workshops for Adopted Girls
Saturday morning workshops provide experiential activities for girls to explore and normalize their adoption experiences.
Girl's Group ages 7-11, February 8, 2008 9:00-11:30
Girl's Group ages 12-17 February 8, 2008 12:30- 3:00
Hilde Price-Levine, LCSW
Beaverton Office (near Hwy 217)
Call Hilde at: 503- 644-7144
No Groups
Rhonda Andrews. LCSW
Contact Rhonda at: 503-537-3927 # 2
No Groups
Lyn Marx, LPC
Directions to the support group are on the services page of our website at www.adoptioncounselingservices.com. Further details of each group can be found on the Therapist/Location pages of our website. Or call 503-522-0839.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The FCC Chinese New Year Festival will be held at the Oregon Convention Center on Sunday, February 10, 2008 from 3:30 to 7:30 pm in the Portland Ballroom on the south side of the center. For more information, go to the Chinese New Year page.
FCC members can look for an invitation in the mail. If you are not a member or need a reservation form, you can download this registration form.
Important Deadlines:
RSVP by Monday, January 28, 2008 to avoid late fees.
Reservations will not be accepted after Monday, February 4, 2008. Reservation Confirmation Cards will be mailed out the week of February 4th.
Volunteers are greatly needed for this fun event in the following categories: craft area, raffle, book sales, FCC booth, registration and entertainment coordinator at event. If you would like to volunteer, contact us at FCC.CNY.CHAIR@gmail.com
Donations are also needed such as craft supplies, candy coins, hong bao –red envelopes, gifts for child volunteers, decorations, raffle items, photocopying, and program paper. If this is an area in which you can help, contact us at FCC.CNY.CHAIR@gmail.com